The Joanne Sumpio Hinson MD PLLC Blogs

The Role Hormones Play In Migraines

The Role Hormones Play In Migraines

Migraine affects more than 37 million men and women in the US. As a result of these patterns, researchers have speculated that migraines might be linked to hormonal activity in women. Periods Most migraine sufferers are women, and many female migraine...

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10 Hormones Responsible For Weight Gain In Women

10 Hormones Responsible For Weight Gain In Women

No one can say that weight gain can be put down to just diet or exercise plan. In fact, often weight gain can be partly blamed on your hormones. Did you know that stubborn fat can be harder to lose if your hormones aren’t in balance? So it’s a great idea to get all your hormones in check first…

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10 Drug-Free Ways To Help Balance Female Hormones

10 Drug-Free Ways To Help Balance Female Hormones

Did you know that there is lots you can do to naturally alleviate the distressing symptoms involved in menopause without even touching hormone replacement therapy (HRT) treatments? Let’s have a look at the top 10 drug-free ways to find relief…

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