The Joanne Sumpio Hinson MD PLLC Blogs: Hormones
The Link between Hormones and Happiness
Hormones... they certainly don’t get much respect at times. What do they have to do with happiness? Actually, hormones play a big role in this feeling, and we are wise to learn about what factors they play in this area and what we can do to capitalize on...
What Is Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Our hormones maintain the chemical balance in the body. The menstrual cycle in women triggers the production of some important hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. When the ovaries stop functioning, whether due to age (menopause) or due to surgical...
Hormone Replacement Therapy To Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms
If you have not yet experienced menopause then the terms hormone replacement therapy may sound foreign to you. As the terms suggest, hormone replacement..
Menopause and Bioidentical Hormones
Can menopause symptoms be safely comforted with bioidentical hormones? Recent research suggests that menopause can be treated with bioidentical hormones, a natural replacement for a woman's body, with no reported side effects. In the past, menopause has been treated...
Progesterone to help balance hormones
Progesterone is a hormone naturally produced in the female body from both the ovaries and adrenal glands. As women age, hormone levels tend to decrease, progesterone is one of those hormones. When women reach menopause and are post menopause they need to supplement...
The Role Hormones Play In Migraines
Migraine affects more than 37 million men and women in the US. As a result of these patterns, researchers have speculated that migraines might be linked to hormonal activity in women. Periods Most migraine sufferers are women, and many female migraine...